Atypical released their fifth single of the year "Something More" on November 22. The hard rock and alternative metal band from KC describes themselves as "delivering melodic rock with catchy tunes, meaningful lyrics, electrifying guitar riffs, and powerful vocals that resonate with their audience."
"Something More" meets all these expectations and more, being an instant earworm even from the first listen.
LP: How did the band get started? How did everyone join?
Atypical: Atypical began in 2021 somewhat unexpectedly. The band’s drummer, Robbie, decided to put together a rock show–mainly covers of popular rock and country songs–for his birthday. Robbie recruited Dakota to play guitar and Trevor to play bass and sing. Rachel joined the band soon after as lead singer. After a successful and fun show, they decided to keep playing as a band. Initially, the band played primarily covers but eventually shifted to playing original music. Atypical has been blessed to play at various venues in several states with notable acts.
LP: What are the origins behind the band's name?
Atypical: In the band’s earliest days, Robbie proposed the name “Atypical.” The rest of the band immediately approved because the name fits the band and its style perfectly. From its origins, Atypical has fused different, even contradictory sounds. An Atypical song can range from alternative rock to heavy metal. Moreover, each song is unpredictable. For example, a song can move from an 80s-style shredding guitar solo to heavy funk to pop vocals to a nu-metal breakdown, etc. Atypical likes to juxtapose opposites and create beauty from dissonance.
LP: Who are your influences?
Atypical: Concerning its overall sound, Atypical is cut from the same cloth as bands like Breaking Benjamin, Red, Evanescence, and Linkin Park. However, there are many subtle elements and nuances in the band’s sound that reflect a myriad of other crucial influences. Eddie Van Halen’s style, for example, has left an indelible impression on Dakota’s guitar playing. Bassists such as Cliff Burton (Metallica), Flea (RHCP), and Ryan Martinie (Mudvayne) have influenced Trevor’s bass playing. Robbie credits Todd Sucherman from STYX, Rikki Rocket from Poison, and Scott Rockekfield from Queensryche for inspiring his hard-hitting yet tasteful drumming. Last but certainly not least, Rachel credits Christina Aguilera and Lzzy Hale for their inspiration.
LP: Tell me about “Something More.” What was the recording process like?
Atypical: Interestingly, Rachel and Trevor wrote this song together right before they started dating (and eventually married). Rachel wrote the lyrics, melody, and some of the music. Trevor wrote the rest of the music. The song speaks to the universal human longing for meaning, the void within that demands to be filled. However, this song speaks to a reality beyond politics or ideology; it speaks to something Transcendent. The song urges the listener to take the quest for existential meaning seriously rather than subsisting on the mundane.
As for the recording process, the band recorded with engineer/producer Barry Magner (AKA “The Wizard”) at ROFO Studios in Topeka, Kansas. Barry is a gifted engineer who pours his heart and soul into his work. The recording process went remarkably smoothly. In fact, Dakota laid down some keys after the instrumentalists laid down their tracks. This sound added a wonderful aethereal dimension to the song, especially its verses. Also, due to Barry’s suggestion, Dakota added some fantastic guitar work to the song's final chorus and outro. His playing couples well with Rachel’s multi-harmony outro. We are very proud of how the song builds and crescendos at the end.
LP: What is the one thing you would want for people to know about your music/your band?
Atypical: Atypical seeks to be anything but typical. The band primarily seeks to do two things. First, Atypical aims to create inspiring, innovative music that bends the rules of convention. Second, Atypical seeks to provide deep, reflective lyrics worth ruminating over. The lyrics aim to do everything from challenging the depths of cultural corruption to encouraging people to open their hearts and minds to commiserating with those who have been beaten and battered by life’s storms.
LP: What’s next?
Atypical: Atypical’s immediate goals include playing a few live shows and recording new music. The band is slated to play at the Voodoo Lounge on December 20, 2024, with several local bands for a Christmas show. The show will be collecting coats and jackets for kids. The band is also scheduled to play at “Femme Fatale 6” in Leavenworth, KS, on February 1, 2025. Concerning recording, the band is planning on returning to the studio in early 2025 to record new tracks. Atypical is really excited about these new tracks. They are heavy and are more musically advanced than anything released so far. Please stay tuned!
